Organised by Bob Blatchford, who also produces the Family and Local History Handbook (and the new Irish Family and Local History and book, new edition coming soon!), this year's vendors will include many of the great and the good from the UK genealogy scene, with a full list available at http://nationalfamilyhistoryfair.com/The_National_Family_History_Fair_2012.html.
In addition there will be a series of talks (including one from yours truly!):
12.00.p.m. (Noon) to 1.00.p.m.
Researching Your Irish Ancestry
Dr William Roulston
1.15.p.m. to 2.15.p.m.
Using The National Archives Website for Family History Research
Gerry Toop
2.30.p.m. to 3.30.p.m.
Discover Scottish Family History
Chris Paton
Tickets can be pre-purchased for £3 +£1 admin and postage, or can be purchased on the day. I'm looking forward to helping out again this year, usually I've been on the floor or introducing talks etc, so great to have a chance this year to be able to share a few tips about Scottish research. I've heard William's talk before, which is excellent, though not Gerry's - but if ever there was a time to listen to someone talking about the National Archives site, now's it, with many major changes having taken place over the last few months.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Check out my Scotland's Greatest Story research service www.ScotlandsGreatestStory.co.uk
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... www.thehistorypress.co.uk/products/The-Mount-Stewart-Murder.aspx (from June 12th 2012)
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