Sunday 31 July 2016

Latest additions to The Original Record

The following have been added to The Original Record (

French Pensions of the English Civil List
A list of French pensions of the Civil List, as of 10 May 1715, giving full name and daily allowance.

Inhabitants of the Isle of Portland, Dorset
An earthquake on 16 December 1735 'was felt near the Quarrys at the North End of the said Island by which the Earth for more than a mile in length sunk away from the Clift near the Sea and carry’d with it the Way leading to the Piers, Overturned the said Piers, and broke and destroyed the Crane thereon, so that at present it is impossible to carry down from the Quarry’s or to Ship Stone as formerly, by which means his Majesty will loose entirely the Revenue of fourpence per pr Tunn paid by all persons who Shipped Stone off the said Piers': this petition to the Treasury Commissioners, signed by the inhabitants of Portland, prayed 'that your Honour’s will take this Unhappy Circumstance into your Consideration and Order that the same may be Repaired fit for Shipping Stone as formerly'. T 1/288 f.167

Governors and Guardians of the Foundling Hospital, London
This list of the governors and guardians of the Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children, incorporated by royal charter 17 October 1739, is corrected to 30 March 1768.

Heritors of Fife
A list of the principal heritors of the shire of Fife, compiled from the roll of the court of freeholders, and from private information, by sir Robert Sibbald; also including (marked f.) the names of those whose valued rent was known to entitle them to vote for the representative of the county in parliament, although from the present possessors being minors or females, they were not on the roll of freeholders.

Masters of Wrecks
The losses of eighty British ships from late August 1835 to late January 1836 were reported at Lloyd's: this table gives the vessels' names; masters' names; where from; where headed; where wrecked; on what date; and what became of the crew - saved, lost, or abandoned ship.

Liverpool Criminals and their Victims
Sentences at the Liverpool Borough Sessions in August 1857.

Managers and Under-Managers of Mines
First Class Certificates of Competency as Mine Managers granted during the year 1901 (including some granted on 2 January 1902 following the Manchester and Ireland District Examination held late in December 1901. Full names are given, surname first, district in which examined, date of certificate, and number of certificate.

(With thanks to The Original Record)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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