Deceased Online adds records for North East Lincolnshire
There are nearly 400,000 records and over 170,000 named burials and cremations for the area, which date back to 1877 and feature records that represent the history and economy of the region. The records available comprise digital scans of original burial and cremation registers, grave details for each burial and cemetery maps indicating the section for each burial.
For those researching the Lincolnshire area, there are now records for 11 cemeteries and two crematoria on As well as N E Lincolnshire, there are full, detailed council records for the City of Lincoln and Gainsborough, and older church records from The National Archives for St Michael's in Stamford, and St Mark's in Lincoln, dating back to 1707. Users can search by location (below), contributor, or the whole county.
Emma Jolly has blogged about the North East Lincolnshire records
For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at
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