Tuesday 12 June 2012

Ancestry website change

Ancestry (www.ancestry.co.uk) has seemingly made a change that could impede on the ability of bloggers to report on developments and new updates. Previously the UK home page had a link that allowed you to see which records had been added to the site on a daily basis, from around the world. There has been a change on the page now, which seems to have removed that option - I've spent twenty minutes looking for it, without getting very far!

Fortunately the same option is available via the US version of the website for the time being at least, at www.ancestry.com/cs/reccol/default. But it would certainly help to have it back on the home page of the UK site!

UPDATE: Thanks to Merv in the comments for the following - the UK link can be accessed at www.ancestry.co.uk/cs/reccol/default - it's just not available as a link on the home page, so you'll need to bookmark it for the time being.


Check out my Scotland's Greatest Story research service www.ScotlandsGreatestStory.co.uk
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... www.thehistorypress.co.uk/products/The-Mount-Stewart-Murder.aspx (from June 12th 2012)


  1. I noticed it had gone as well. If you change the .com on the US link you gave to .co.uk you get UK New Collections.

  2. ..... And the links to the other countries etc.
    I've added the URL to My Quick Links on the Ancestry homepage. Hopefully they will maintain the page even if they are not overtly linking to it now.
