Monday 17 September 2012

Lancashire and Surrey wills on Origins

From Origins (

New to the National Wills Index - Lancashire Wills Index (1457-1748 & 1793-1812) and Surrey PCC Will Abstracts (1736-1794)

Lancashire Wills Index (1457-1748 & 1793-1812)

Over 32,600 testators are now available for searching online within the Lancashire Wills Index. The Archdeaconry of Richmond comprised that part of Lancashire north of the River Ribble, and parts of Cumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire. It was further subdivided into deaneries. Wills from the western deaneries from following Lancashire & Cheshire Record Society volumes are included in this collection:

Volume 10 - Index to wills proved in the western deaneries of the Archdeaconry of Richmond 1457-1680, plus index to abstracts (summary) of wills 1531-1652 proved in the Archdeaconry of Richmond (mainly deanery of Amounderness) where the original wills no longer survive. Published 1884.

Volume 13 - Index to Wills proved in the western deaneries of the Archdeaconry of Richmond 1681-1748. Published 1886.

Volume 66 - Index to Wills proved in the western deaneries of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, and the peculiar of the Manor of Halton 1793-1812. Published 1913.
The index includes testator's name, place of residence, year/date of will and deanery in which the will was filed. 

Surrey PCC Will Abstracts (1736-1794)

Our growing collection of Surrey records now includes abstracts to wills for Surrey testators proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) 1736-1794. Over 15,300 testators are included.

The PCC was the senior and most important of the pre 1858 ecclesiastical courts claiming over-riding jurisdiction over the whole of England and Wales. Wills of those dying overseas were also usually proved in the PPC.

The abstracts include all names and places appearing in the will, plus incidental information such as occupations etc where found in the original document. This information is both rich and valuable to the family historian.

(with thanks to Origins)


Scottish Research Online - 5 weeks online Pharos course, £45.99, taught by Chris Paton from 26 SEP 2012 - see
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... (from June 12th 2012)

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