Friday 30 September 2016

Irish Famine Eviction Project

From the Irish Newspaper Archive (

The Irish Famine Eviction Project is a study by Dr Ciaran Reilly to document evidence of evictions during the years of the Great Irish Famine. Dr Ciaran Reilly; author of several books on The Great Irish Famine is the chief coordinator for this extraordinary project. Dr Reilly’s vision is to create a dedicated online resource listing GPS coordinates for famine eviction sites and to create a better understanding of the actual people involved in the evictions. It is hoped that the Irish Famine Eviction Project will shed new light on numbers, locations and background stories of those involved. 500 Sites listed so far - see

We Need You!
Sponsored by Irish Newspaper Archives the project will use primary and secondary source information to research, gather and catalogue evictions. One of the goals is to collaborate with individuals, societies and libraries across the world. We are looking for any informaiton of evictions, locations and local folklore. To help researchers Irish Newspaper Archives are offering 30% of monthly and yearly membership. Discount code - IFP30

Profile: Dr Ciaran Reilly;
Dr Reilly author of several books has embarked an a project to help shed light on the number of people and locations of evictions that took place during the Great Famine. View his profile at

To submit your own research for inclusion in our project you can email your findings to or tweet us @famineeviction

Irish Newspaper Archives are proud supporter of all Irish Research and to help any research into the Famine Evictions we are offering 30% of monthly and yearly membership valid till 31.10.2016
Code IFP30

(With thanks to Andrew Martin)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Beginner's Guide to British and Irish Genealogy, A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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