So you've done the ScotlandsPeople thang, and had a look at a few censuses - where to go next?
Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs is a five week online course from Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd taught by yours truly which deals with many other areas of Scottish research, many of them completely different to equivalents elsewhere in the UK. You'll learn about land records such as sasines and the concepts of feudalism in existence in Scotland until 2004; there's the records of the kirk session and the heritors; the administration of relief for the poor before and after 1845; records of inheritance, such as testaments, retours and precepts of clare constat; how to find records of the burghs and taxation; the holdings of the great estates, and much more.
From the Pharos website (

This is an intermediate level course in Scottish family history for those who are going back beyond 1850. You should have some experience with research in the Old Parochial Registers (OPRs) of the Church of Scotland and in using major websites for Scottish research. This course discusses sources that fill the gap when the OPRs are uninformative or missing; for example, records of parish and town administration, occupations, land transfer and taxation. Using these records involves several different locations. You will learn how to check online finding aids and how to find the most effective way to obtain records that may be online, in print, on CD or microfilm. This is the second course on Scottish research. If you have not taken Scottish Research Online please check its description.
It is preferable to have done the first course, but not essential if you have the same level of skill described here. The cost of the course is £45.99, and it starts on November 2nd - to sign up please visit
If you think ScotlandsPeople was fun, the journey has only just begun...!
Scottish Research Online - 5 weeks online Pharos course, £45.99, taught by Chris Paton from 26 SEP 2012 - see
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... (from June 12th 2012)
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