Tuesday 5 September 2017

Possible intermission!

I'm heading to Crete this morning for a couple of weeks as my father has broken his hip. I'm hoping to be able to continue blogging whilst out there, it will all depend on the wifi set up in his home.

Hopefully things will continue OK -
but if not, you know why I've gone quiet for a bit!


My next 5 week Scottish Research Online course commences Sept 11th 2017 - details at www.pharostutors.com/details.php?coursenumber=102. For my genealogy guide books, visit http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-books.html, whilst details of my research service are at www.ScotlandsGreatestStory.co.uk. Further content is also published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page at www.facebook.com/BritishGENES.


  1. Wishing your dad a speedy recovery with his son in support.

  2. Sorry to hear about your father's accident, Chris. I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
