Tuesday 31 January 2012

New Commonwealth War Graves site

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has relaunched its website at www.cwgc.org. As part of the new site the interface for the Search for War Dead page has been expanded - in addition to previous search parameters you can now also search by rank, service number, regiment and even secondary regiment, as well as by honours and awards. From the site - "Future plans include a search on the "additional information" field of our records and more".

(With thanks to @TJFoxGodden and @BradfordWW1 on Twitter)



  1. I can't see how to search on battalion but if you search on regiment and download the results, battalion is on that download so I was able to use filtering in Excel to highlight a battalion's casualties in the download. (Filter for items _containing_ the battalion number as sometimes it's a company and battalion in that column).

    Adrian B
