Wednesday 2 September 2015

North of Ireland FHS website is revamped

The North of Ireland Family History Society website has had a major revamp at, with the new site much brighter and considerably less cramped than before. On first glance, many of the resources previously available in the dedicated membership area, such as blank forms for records transcription, are now freely available in the new Resources section, though some resources remain hidden for members only, such as various graveyard inscriptions created by the society.

Here's the society's announcement for the new site on Facebook:

New season and new website!

The NIFHS website has had a makeover and just in time for our new season of talks and events! We hope you will enjoy discovering more about us, our resources and all our membership benefits. Our resources are clearly listed on the new website. Over time, more records will be transferred from our old website and usually some select data, such as names, will be made available for all to search freely so it will be easier for you to decide whether or not to dig deeper. That is a major change for us as previously our online records had been hidden behind our Members' Area. It will be an ongoing project but for now have a peek to see what you think of the new look and to try out this example of how the site will work:

If your relatives were from Belfast or moved there for work, then you might like to search the church records for St John's, Church of Ireland, Malone, Belfast. There are two fields in each column. Click on "surname" first to get the list of names. If you spot a family name, next go back and click on the year field to reach the database where more detailed family information is available.

Please let us know if you find a relative in these free, newly accessible records!

Overall a great improvement - a huge thumbs up from this society member!

Incidentally, the Larne branch of the NIFHS has recently started up a Facebook page, which is accessible at

(With thanks to Maeve @NIFHS)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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