Association football and Irish-born player migration to Britain and the USA, 1888 - 1939 - 22 February 2018, 1 - 2pm
Dr Conor Curran will explore Irish-born footballers’ migration in the 1888 to 1939 period - in particular, exploring the reasons behind the significant increase in the migration of Irish-born footballers to England in the 1920s.
As part of the NI Science Festival, the Linen Biennale and PRONI are hosting an evening on the art and science of linen.
War, Women and the gypsy caravan: the emergence of Belfast’s first female police officers, 1914-43 - 27 February 2018, 1 - 2pm
As part of PRONI’s programme to ma
rk the anniversary of suffrage for women and International Women’s Day, Dr Janice Holmes will deliver a presentation about the first female police officers in Ireland.
The contribution of the Indian Community through Trade, Migration and Cultural rites of passage - 28 February 2018, 1 - 2pm
Nisha Tandon, OBE, Executive Director of ArtsEkta will talk about the Indian community in Northern Ireland and the recent three-year Sanskriti project and exhibition.
International Women’s Day: Women and Medicine during the First World War - 6 March 2018, 10am - 1pm
To mark International Women’s Day, PRONI will host a half day conference exploring the role of female medical staff during the First World War.
Imperial War Museums - WomensWork100 - Nursing & Medicine on Film, 6 March 2018, 2.30pm
The First World War Centenary Partnership is marking the contribution of women to nursing and medicine with a number of film screenings.
First World War Memories and Memorialisation - 7, 14 & 21 March 2018
PRONI is holding a series of talks in March relating to memories and memorialisation for the First World War. Speakers: Robert Corbett, Hugh Patrick Lynch and Nigel Henderson.
HMS Belfast 80, 12 March 2018, 2.30pm - 4.30pm
To mark the centenary of the creation of the Royal Air Force in 1918, PRONI in conjunction with the NI War Memorial and the RAF are hosting a one day conference exploring a hundred years of the RAF in Northern Ireland.
Eamonn McCann - The Northern Ireland Civil Rights Movement - 15 March 2018, 6.30pm - 8pm
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights movement in Northern Ireland, the History Teachers’ Association is putting on this event featuring one of the main activists.
Practical Workshop - Using family and local history resources online - 28 March 2018, 11am - 1pm
Are you interested in local and family history? Come along to a workshop at PRONI to find out more and improve your IT skills.
Beyond the Boundary Commission: Partitioned Identities in Modern Ireland, 19 April 2018, 7pm - 8pm
In conjunction with the Ulster Society for Historical Studies, PRONI will host this lecture by Professor Timothy G. McMahon.
RAF 100: Early Operations in Ireland - 25 April 2018, 10am - 3.30pm
To mark the centenary of the creation of the Royal Air Force in 1918, PRONI in conjunction with the NI War Memorial and the RAF are hosting a one day conference exploring a hundred years of the RAF in Northern Ireland.
The Penal Times: The Catholic Church in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 24 May 2018, 7pm - 8pm
In conjunction with the Ulster Society for Historical Studies, PRONI will host this J.C. Beckett memorial lecture by Professor Ian McBride.
Plantations in Ulster, 1600-41: Book Launch, 30 May 2018, 2pm - 4pm
PRONI and the Ulster Historical Foundation invite you to the launch of Plantations in Ulster, 1600-41: A collection of documents by R.J. Hunter.
For further details on PRONI's talks, and to book tickets, please visit
(With thanks to the PRONI Express)
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