Researching Your Irish Ancestry
Dr William Roulston
1.15.p.m. to 2.15.p.m.
Using The National Archives Website for Family History Research
Gerry Toop
2.30.p.m. to 3.30.p.m.
Discover Scottish Family History
Chris Paton
Tickets are available at the door - places are Limited.
Tickets cost £3.00 and will be available at the Fair. (You'll be able to purchase them when you pay your admission)
Incidentally, for those attending my talk at 2.30, I've prepared a handout with some key web addresses, as it will be a packed talk to help get you started on your Scottish research!
For more on the fair, including lists of vendors in attendance, visit http://nationalfamilyhistoryfair.com/The_National_Family_History_Fair_2012.html
I'm happy to have a chat with anyone who can get a hold of me to offer advice on any Scottish or Irish genealogical problems. You can also talk to Chris Halliday or Steve McLeish on the Scotlands Genealogy and Scotia Roots stalls also (they know a thing or two!), or try Your Family Tree magazine contributor Doreen Hopwood for English based queries - not to mention all the various societies and other experts on hand.
One other quick shout - if you are interested in a professional postgraduate or masters level course in genealogy, do have a chat with the University of Strathclyde team there about the online courses on offer from the institution.
Hopefully see you there - should be another great day!
Check out my Scotland's Greatest Story research service www.ScotlandsGreatestStory.co.uk
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... www.thehistorypress.co.uk/products/The-Mount-Stewart-Murder.aspx (from June 12th 2012)
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