That has now changed, at least partially. As part of its World Archives Project, Ancestry is indexing the newspaper intimations columns for births, marriages and deaths from 1738-1925, via a new interface at This is therefore the only site that will allow you to search beyond 1900 for those records, at least until 1925. At present the site has completed indexing for 1828-1858, with further updates to arrive in due course.
Every little helps! But just when will someone think about digitising the Belfast Telegraph, the elephant in the room for Belfast based research?!
UPDATE: I originally announced this as a full database from 1738-1925 - only 1828-1858 has been completed so far, with further announcements due. As such I have amended the post.
For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at
I wish they'd do the Belfast Telegraph. My Belfast family used that paper. I'm missing one of my ancestors and he might well be listed in their obituaries but without an exact luck. I've not found him in the Civil Registration and he might well have died 1863.