There's two claimants, a Privy Council court that last met to decide on a baronetcy case in 1927, and the possibility of the end of life on Earth as we know it for those with blue blood - or something like that!
The full story is at www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3267859/Queen-demands-DNA-test-court-settle-dispute-330-year-old-baronet-title-ruling-mean-Utah-Mormon-king.html
(With thanks to Morag Fyfe via email)
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Never mind the blue blooded - if they retrospectively disinherit the 10th baronet because of illegitimacy, then surely they retrospectively disinherit everyone whose inheritance depended on being the child of their parents. Blue blood or red. Surely the 10th baronet is a matter of historical record and that cannot be changed. Well, unless you have a Scottish accent and a blue box.