As it gets closer to the end of 2016, we're understandably hearing this question a lot. In large part that's because it was initially announced that FTM would only be supported through the end of December 2016. But that was a million years ago back in December 2015 when it was also announced that brand wouldn't continue at all. All that changed 7 weeks later on February 2nd of this year — the day Ancestry announced that they'd decided after all to sell this wonderful old brand to us. And that together we would be building on what Ancestry had started, including creating a new sync technology together.
So relax. TreeSync® will not stop working at the stroke of midnight this December 31st. And though it will be retired at some point in the not too distant future, before that happens, there will be new syncing technology available to replace it. It's already well into development and we will be starting outside beta testing before the end of the year. And that means syncing as we know it for FTM is going to live on into 2017 and beyond. So if you've been worried about what happens at the end of the year, well you can just stop worrying. Syncing, Search, and Shaky Leaf hints are all here to stay.

Charting Companion is only the second “plug-in” ever written for Family Tree Maker (the other being Stefan Harms' excellent Family Book Creator). That means you can access Charting Companion from Family Tree Maker menus and it will work directly with your tree files as though it were part of the program. And for a limited time you can get Charting Companion from our new FTM Gift Collection for just £24.95 (regularly £28) by visiting http://www.mackiev.com/store/ftm/offers/gifts/intern.html?edition=uk. Enjoy!
When we happily adopted FTM earlier this year, we set out to create free updates that we could wholeheartedly recommend to all current users of FTM 2014 and Mac 3. That work is still in progress, but if you'd like to get your hands on a copy and you're OK with a near-final build, then you can have one any time. Even right now. Just head on over to our Replacement Center (see Getting a Replacement Copy, below).
So, should you get the latest build right now then? Well, it depends. The improvements are mostly in stability and performance. So if FTM is crashing or has slowed to a crawl with large trees, then have at it. Same if waiting is driving you crazy, or you usually download interim updates anyway. But if, like most users, your copy is working just fine, we still suggest waiting for the final build. To be notified as soon as the updates are ready, make sure to sign up for the mailing list at www.familytreemaker.com. For more info on the updates see “Free Updates Coming Soon” below.
We are having the time of our lives in our new role as publisher of this most beloved of family history brands, and we couldn't be more excited about what's coming next. To make sure you are the first on your block to get the latest Family Tree Maker news, sign up for the FTM Mailing List at www.familytreemaker.com. And stay tuned. This is just the beginning.
Jack Minsky
Software MacKiev
(With thanks to Software MacKiev via email)
For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Beginner's Guide to British and Irish Genealogy, A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923, Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-books.html.
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