Help us collect the referendum
- From the largest dossier to the smallest stamp
- From official publications to jocular musings, both political and non-partisan.
We are looking for local items related to September's Scottish Independence Referendum, such as:
- Leaflets, posters, newsletters or flyers — and nothing is too small to be of interest
- Printed or digital material
- Information about local campaign groups — including blogs, websites, or Facebook pages — will be especially useful.
We can only collect what we can find out about so your information now could make a real difference to our collections. After the independence referendum much of this material could be thrown out or deleted, making it too late to save.
Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Download our appeal flyer PDF at — and feel free to send it to your Scottish contacts so that they can contribute too. We want the collection to represent the widest geographical spread of Scotland that we can.
The latest British GENES podcast is available at For details on my latest book Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, and my other genealogy guide books, please visit
What a pity I knew nothing about this project before now, as I would have been delighted to collects such ephemera, representing my oft forgotten area of the Scottish Borders. But eight months on, I have thrown it all out - leaflets, posters, local newspaper coverage etc.