I've outlined what I'll be doing at
Who Do You Think You Are Live from Friday 22nd-Sunday 24th at
http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/who-do-you-think-you-are-live-2013.html - but here's a few suggestions on talks being given and courses being promoted at the event if you're looking for inspiration on how to take your interest in family history further.
There are many talks taking place at the event. The Society of Genealogists (
www.sog.org.uk) has its workshop programme listed at
www.whodoyouthinkyouarelive.com/workshop-schedule - for those with hearing difficulties, the studios and the Celebrity Theatre will have an induction loop, with some talks also signed (see the website for details). There are also talks being given in the
Ancestry Academy (from Ancestry.co.uk), the
DNA Workshop, the
National Archives Theatre and via several genealogy tutorials on
The Genealogist and S&N stand (910).

The University of Strathclyde will be at the event at tables 47 and 48, promoting its various postgraduate courses in genealogical studies (
www.strath.ac.uk/genealogy). You'll find Graham Holton, Tahitia McCabe and Alasdair MacDonald there, all of whom will also be giving talks at various venues (Graham and Tahitia at the SoG show, Ali at the DNA workshop), and other course tutors.

Also on the education side of things is Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd (
www.pharostutors.com), with Helen Osborn and the team promoting affordable short courses on a range of genealogical subjects at tables 34 and 35; and Pat Whatley and the University of Dundee will also be promoting their own postgrad courses at stand 411 (
www.dundee.ac.uk/cais/flhdegree) - you can also catch Pat giving a talk at the SoG show. The National Institute for Genealogical Studies (
www.genealogicalstudies.com) will also be in attendance on tables 73 and 83.
Plenty of options! And don't forget the various magazines in attendance, including
Your Family Tree (stand 404),
Your Family History (stand 920) and
Family Tree Magazine (stand 320), also helping on the lifelong learning front!
Pre-order my new book,
Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, through
Pen and Sword (30 April 2013), or purchase early at
Who Do You Think You Are Live 2013 in London. For my other genealogy books, please visit
http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-books.html; whilst for my online Scottish based genealogy courses please visit the
Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd site.
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