Tuesday, 13 September 2011

National Library of Wales events

From the National Library of Wales (www.llgc.org.uk)

Magistrate’s Court – 650 years on
Saturday 8 October; 14:00 p.m.

- Lord John Morris

Lord John Morris reminisces about his career as a young solicitor in Ceredigion.

The event is held by the Friends of the Library, to mark 650 years of the establishment of Magistrates’ Courts.

Admission by ticket £3.50, free to NLW Friends

The Library will be holding a series of events throughout October as a part of its Outreach Programme. This year's events will include workshops for local schools, an exhibition of photographs by J.B. Willans, Family History Fair, a film showing of The Last Days of Dolwyn at the Regent Cinema, and the President's Evening.

For further information visit www.llgc.org.uk/fileadmin/documents/pdf/DrenewyddA5.pdf.


Tramorwyr yng Nghymru yn Oes Victoria - Dr Gerald Morgan
Wed, 05 Oct 11 13:15:00

Gwyddom am y Cymry a deithiodd i'r Amerig, ond beth am y rheiny a ddychwelodd adref? Wrth olrhain eu hanes, daeth i'r amlwg faint o dramorwyr oedd yn byw yng Nghymru Oes Fictoria ym 1881. We know about the Welsh who went to America, but what about the ones who returned home? Searching for them led to the discovery of how many foreigners were living in Victorian Wales in 1881. Event held in Welsh with simultaneous translation.

Talking About Miners - Sian Williams
Wed, 19 Oct 11 13:15:00

The Librarian of the South Wales Miners' Library, Sian Williams, gives an insight into the audio-visual collections in the South Wales Coalfield Collection at Swansea University.

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