Wednesday 14 September 2011

Updates to the Original Record

The following additions have bene made to The Original Record website (

Commanders for the Summer Expedition

'A List of such of the Navy Royal, as also of the Merchants Ships as are set forth to Sea for this Summers Expedition [31 May] 1645, in the Service of the King and Parliament. Together with their Names, Captains, Burdens, Bumber of Men and Ordnance in every Ship'.

Herefordshire Churches of Christ

An undated loyal petition, of about 1653, from the Churches of Christ 'and other persons rightly minded to the publique wellfare of the nation' in the county of Hereford, to Lord General Cromwell: as 'humble suitors to you that sith, by divine providence, the power of the nation is devolved upon you, you would hold on to act for these ends which you have ingaged your selves to promote, being assured that the Lord is with you, while ye be with him, and do ingage our selves, by our persons and prayers, to assist you in your actings for those ends'.

Staffordshire Merchants and Pottery Manufacturers

William Tunnicliff's 'Topographical Survey of the Counties of Stafford, Chester, and Lancaster' included directories of the principal merchants and manufacturers in each county. For Staffordshire, there are lists of traders in Burton-upon-Trent, Cheadle, Leek, Lichfield, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Rugeley, Stafford, Stone, Walsall and Wolverhampton, as well as pottery manufacturers in Burslem, Cobridge, Fenton, Hanley, Lane End, Shelton and Stoke.

London Master Bootmakers and Shoemakers

At a general meeting of the master boot- and shoemakers of the cities of London and Westminster held at the British Coffee House, Cockspur Street, 24 February 1812, it was unanimously resolved 'That we feel deeply concerned at the present disturbed state of the trade, occasioned by our workmen having unjustly and impoliticly demanded a considerable advance of wages. We therefore take this opportunity of declaring our utter inability to comply with so unreasonable and unwarrantable a demand, for which there does not appear the smallest pretence or plea of necessity, but would on the contrary, if complied with, be productive of the greatest injury to them and us.

'2dly. Being, however, fully persuaded that this injudicious and improvident transaction is in reality disapproved of by the sober, industrious, and most discerning of the workmen, we avail ourselves of this occasion to request those who have not left their employment, to continue at their work; and also those who have been incautiously and inconsiderately misled, to return to their respective employments, confidently relying on our support and protection.' The list of those present in most cases gives only the surname.

Military Medal

King George V approved the award of the Military Medal for bravery in the Field to these non-commissioned officers and men 6 August 1918.


The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization had been granted by the Secretary of State and whose oaths of allegiance had been registered in the Home Office. These notices, from January to December 1922, refer to naturalizations from December 1921 to November 1922. In January the list gave full name, surname first; country of origin; date of taking the oath of allegiance; place of residence; and occupation. From February onwards the format was changed - full name (surname first) with any aliases; country of origin; occupation; full postal address; date of taking the oath. A dagger indicates re-admission to British nationality; an asterisk that the person had served in H.M.'s Forces.

Aviators' Certificates

Lists of certificates granted by the Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom to newly-qualified aviators of powered aircraft: giving certificate number, full name, and name of his or her aero club. Certificate numbers 16744 to 20093, issued from December 1938 to September 1939.


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