"We want to thank NBC for their support of this terrific series, which over the last three years has inspired many viewers to follow their passion to learn more about who they are and where they come from," said Tim Sullivan, President and CEO of Ancestry.com. "We have a great partnership with the show's producers, Is or Isn't Entertainment and Shed Media, and we look forward to exploring other avenues of distribution."
The show's producers and Ancestry now need to find another network to pick up the project, if it is to survive in the States. The full statement is at www.marketwatch.com/story/ancestrycom-comments-on-status-of-who-do-you-think-you-are-2012-05-13, whilst a list of cancelled NBC shows can be found at http://tvdonewright.com/2012-2013-preview/2012-2013-renewal-cancellation-chart/.
(With thanks to @megansmolenyak on Twitter)
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