Explore over 911,000 pension records, spanning over 200 years from 1704-1934, to uncover fascinating details of your relative's service with the British Royal Navy or Royal Marines.
Suffolk Marriage Index
Over 71,000 marriage records from over 200 parishes have been added to the Suffolk Marriage Index.
Ireland, Society Of Friends (Quaker) Births
Discover where your Irish Quaker ancestors were born with over 28,000 birth records from all over Ireland.
Ireland, Society Of Friends (Quaker) Marriages
Explore over 33,000 marriage records to discover when, where and to whom your ancestor was married as well as their occupation, parents' names and who attended the ceremony.
Ireland, Society Of Friends (Quaker) Deaths
Find out where your relatives were laid to rest with over 39,000 records dating back to 1654. Reveal when they died, where they were buried and the names of those they left behind.
Ireland, Society Of Friends (Quaker) School Records
Explore over 43,000 records spanning more than a century to reveal your relatives birth date, parents' names, the school they attended and the date of their enrolment.
Kent, Bromley Absent Voters List 1918
The Kent, Bromley Absent Voters List 1918 records the details over 8,000 men who were eligible to vote and were away serving in the armed forces during the First World War. At that time, all men over the age of 21 and women over the age of 30 could vote. As well as servicemen over the age of 19. The Bromley absent voters list also includes the names of eight women who were members of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corp or Army Service Corp.
Queensland Births 1829-1919 contains over 930,000 records.
Registration for births, marriages, and deaths was not mandatory in Australia until March 1856. As Queensland was not made a separate colony from New South Wales until 1859, some events may have been registered in New South Wales. Additionally, you may want to search a range of dates considering that births may have been registered at a later date from when the actual birth occurred. For example, if a birth occurred in December of a given year, it might not have been registered until January of the following year.
Queensland Marriages 1829-1939 contains over 704,000 records.
Compulsory registration for marriages and other life events started in March 1856 in Australia. Since Queensland did not gain independence from New South Wales until 1859, some events may have been registered in New South Wales instead of Queensland. Additionally, you may want to search a range of dates considering that births may have been registered at a later date from when the actual birth occurred.
Further details via https://blog.findmypast.co.uk/fridays/
For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923, Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-books.html. My Pinterest account is at https://www.pinterest.com/chrismpaton/.
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