Thursday 29 November 2012

PRONI's year 2011-2012

Each year data is collected by PRONI staff and compiled by DCAL Statistics and Research Branch to give an overview of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.

The results from this 2011/12 can be viewed via the following link,

A brief overview of the 2011/12 findings:
  • PRONI welcomed 5,700 new visitors. Overall visitor numbers have been maintained above the 17,000 mark. These included visitors from England, Scotland Wales, the USA and as far afield Australia and New Zealand. The majority of those were researching family history and genealogy.
  • Among the most accessed documents were graveyard inscriptions from various cemeteries, church records and the passenger records for the Superior, a 19th century transatlantic ship
  • In 2002, it was estimated that there are approximately three million documents stored in the archives at PRONI which fall under the categories of either public or private records. There are 900,000 official government files, 300,000 maps and the remainder are miscellaneous private documents.
  • If all the boxes in the archive were laid down side by side, this would equate to 54 linear kilometres (33.6 linear miles).
  • PRONI’s oldest document is a bull of Pope Honorius the Third, dated 1219.

For further information on the statistics in this report:
Research and Statistics Branch, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Causeway Exchange, 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7EG
T: 028 90 515102

For further information on PRONI:
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), 2 Titanic Boulevard, Belfast, BT3 9HQ
T: (+44) 028 028 90 534800

(With thanks to Gavin McMahon)


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