Explore over 74,000 records to locate your ancestor's family home and find out who they voted for with a collection that spans three centuries.
Baptisms from Kent, England
Delve into over 16,000 new additions to our collection of Kent baptismal records covering the parishes of Addington, Ash, Cuxton, Ridley and Offham to uncover your ancestor's birth place and the names of their parents.
Marriages from Kent, England
Over 4,000 records have been added to our Kent marriages. Find out who your ancestors wed, the names of their parents and how they earned a living.
Burials from Kent, England
Discover your relative's final resting place with over 11,000 new additions to Kent burials. Determine their age at death, the date of their burial and uncover notes that may reveal interesting facts about their lives.
Full details at https://blog.findmypast.co.uk/fridays/
For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit http://britishgenes.blogspot.co.uk/p/my-books.html. My Pinterest account is at https://www.pinterest.com/chrismpaton/.
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