Surviving the City: Lunchtime Lecture Series throughout February and March 2016

Thursday 18 February – The Great Famine in Belfast by Professor Peter Gray
Thursday 25 February – The Belfast Corporation and Council archive in PRONI by Ian Montgomery
Thursday 3 March – Voluntary charities for the poor in Belfast, 1800 - 1838 by Robyn Atcheson
Wednesday 16 March – Sailor Town, Belfast
by Dr Elizabeth Thomas
Tuesday 22 March – Belfast Corporation and the management of public health, 1880-1914 by Stuart Irwin
All lectures will be held in PRONI and will commence at 1pm.
Wikimedia Edithon
4th February 2016 from 2.30pm to 5.30pm
This comprises of a number of talks on the Somme and Ireland 1916 as well as a workshop to show how to edit and upload information to Wikipedia articles.
Women’s work through the years - Afternoon Tea and Archive Exploration
Monday 7th March, 2pm - You are invited to join HMS Caroline, PRONI and The Northern Ireland War Memorial for a relaxed afternoon tea and the opportunity to explore the role of the Wrens, HMS Caroline and the women of Belfast during WWs 1 and 2 through objects, costumes, archives, photographs and film. Find out more about the exciting plans for the restoration of HMS Caroline and the opening of this historic ship as a museum and visitor attraction in Belfast in June 2016.
This is a free event aimed at women and women’s community groups as part of International Women’s Day. Places are very limited booking is essential.
Easter Rising
Thursday 21 April, 7pm - Irish Volunteers Centenary Project, talk to be given by Donal McAnallen
Easter 1916 – Conflict and Consequences ½ day Conference
Friday 22nd April, 2pm – Speakers and topics will include: Fearghal McGarry - the outcome of the Rising , Tim Bowman – British Army in the Rising, Mike Foy - Planning of the Rising.
Exhibition launch
Thursday 28th April, 6.30pm – PRONI are pleased to host the launch of the UAHS exhibition.
Book Launch
We are pleased to host the Launch of Trevor Parkhill’s new book ‘The Nurse in the Belfast Blitz, Emma Duffin’ on the 3rd May 2016 at 1pm.
Evening Presentation
Thursday 26th May, 6.30pm – Evening Presentation on the archaeology of the Battle of Jutland by Innes McCartney – Nautical archaeologist, historian, explorer and broadcaster. In conjunction with History Hub, the Royal Navy and Belfast City Council
Temperance Conference
23 June 2016 - Half day conference on the theme of temperance and alcohol starting at 1.30pm.
WFA 2016 Programme. - The second Thursday of the month the WFA meet in PRONI please see website for their full programme.
(With thanks to the PRONI Express)
For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at
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